Americanism Committee
The Goals of Americanism
The ambition and goal of the Americanism Program is to quicken the spirit of American patriotism and to stimulate an awareness – a genuine feeling of pride and respect toward patriotism – so that we as members of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will become constant reminders to the people of our Nation that America truly means freedom and that
Elks CARE and Elks SHARE
Each member of the fraternal Order of Elks pledged that we would support and promote the major principles that govern our Order. These pillars of Elkdom are Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. These guiding principles sustain our Order as the largest fraternal and charitable organization in the United States.
Promoting patriotism has been a continuing goal of the Order of Elks that has influenced our nation’s presidents and elected congressional representatives. Beginning in the late 1970’s concerted effort was given to recognize “National Patriotism Week” of which the Order of Elks played an influential role. President Ronald Reagan made official proclamations for National Patriotism Week. Through his efforts and those of our Order in 1981 National Patriotism Week commenced and was to be celebrated during the third week in February. In 2002, President George Bush proclaimed September 11th to be Patriots Day to honor the men and women who were killed in the September 11attacks on our country. President Obama rededicated it in 2009 as Patriots Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.
The Order of Elks is distinctly American. Patriotic values links the destiny of our Order with the destiny of our country and we have made the Flag of our nation the symbol of the crowning virtue.
Programs of Americanism
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks proudly sponsors the traditions of Patriotism. Many programs and events that celebrate our American way of life are traditions in each Lodge. Some of these programs are the Flag Day program, the Americanism Essay Contest, the Certificate of Honor for Properly Flying the Flag, Veterans Services, honor new American citizens, honor citizens for their service to the community, promote National Patriotism Week, and to design and maintain a Heritage display in each Lodge that focuses on the principles of Americanism and patriotic values.
Featured Americanism Programs
Flag Day
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is the first and only fraternal organization to require the formal observance of Flag Day. The purpose of this service is to honor our Country’s Flag, to celebrate the anniversary of its birth, and to recall the achievements beneath its folds. It is appropriate that this service should be held by the Order of Elks, an organization that is distinctly American, intensely patriotic and without counterpart.
Our nation’s Flag, the most recognizable symbol, of our country, is both a declaration and a prophecy. It represents the American nation as it was at its birth; it speaks for what it is today; and it holds the opportunity for the future to add other stars to the glorious constellation. This glorious banner of 13 stripes of red and white and a constellation of stars each of which represents a state in our country is our official banner recognized throughout the world.
Our nation’s “National Anthem” had its origin during the War of 1812 when our growing country’s flag flew over Fort McHenry, in Baltimore Harbor, on September 14, 1814. It was during this battle, when the rockets red blare lit up the night sky gave proof throughout the night that our Flag was still there that inspired Francis Scott Kay to write his famous poem the “Star Spangled Banner” that we know as our National Anthem.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is the first and only body to require the formal observance of “Flag Day”. In July of 1908, the Grand Lodge of the Order, at its convention in Dallas, Texas provided for the annual nationwide observance of Flag Day by making it mandatory for each subordinate Lodge of the Order to honor our Flag with a formal ceremony that occurs annually on June 14th.
The greatest significance of our Flag is the influence it has in the hearts and minds of millions of people, not only in our nation, but throughout the world.

Americanism Essay Contest
The Essay Contest is a program that engages students in writing an essay that addresses a patriotic theme. Each year the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee identifies a theme for the essay and students throughout the United States write essays that address the theme. The essays are judged and recognition is given to the students for their writing skill, their articulation of the topic and their patriotic values.
The Essay Contest is organized into four Divisions. Division I represents grade 5; Division II represents grade 6; Division III represents grade 7 and Division IV represents grade 8. The Americanism Committee in each local Lodge works with the schools, within their jurisdiction, to encourage student participation.
In Pennsylvania several hundred essays are written by 5th through 8th grade students. The judging of the essays is conducted in the following manner: The essays are judged at the local Lodge and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each Division are submitted to the District Americanism Committee. There are eight Elk Districts in the state of Pennsylvania. The essays are judged again at the District level and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winning essays are submitted to the state Americanism Committee for final judging. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winning essays are identified for each Division (grade) for a total of 12 winning essays in the state.
It has been our tradition to honor the 1st Place Winners by inviting them to be our guests at the state convention where they read their essay and receive a beautifully engraved plaque. In addition to presenting their essay at the convention their essay is entered into the national competition conducted by the Fraternal Committee of Grand Lodge. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in this contest receive monetary awards of $1,000.00, $500.00 and $250.00 respectively. The winners are announced at the Grand Lodge Convention in July.

Students whose essays were judged to be second and third place award winners are honored by their sponsoring Lodge. A beautifully engraved plaque is awarded to each student.
The members of the Americanism Committee of the Pennsylvania Elks State Association express their appreciation to the many educators and school administrators for their support and participation in the Americanism Essay Contest program.
Certificate of Honor for Properly Flying the Flag
A hallmark of Americanism in the Order of Elks is Patriotism. We have linked the destiny of our Order with the destiny of our country and have made our Flag the symbol of the crowning virtue. As loyal Elks we accept and dedicate ourselves to preserving, honoring and defending all it represents as our nation’s most recognizable emblem worldwide.
Recognizing American citizens, businesses and civic organizations that honor our Flag by flying it properly is a cornerstone of Elkdom. We honor these individuals and organizations by awarding our Certificate of Honor for Properly Flying the Flag.
Under the leadership of the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee and the Americanism Committee in each Elk Lodge we promote and build a sense of national pride, patriotism and good community relations. Awarding the Certificate of Honor has a profound impact for building good community relationships.
A goal of the state Americanism Committee is to reach a 100% participation of all Elks Lodges in Pennsylvania to award at least one Certificate of Honor during the Lodge year.

Americanism Blog Entries
State Committee Members

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District Committee Members

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