We are excited to introduce you to our Pa Elks Home Service Child of the Year, Riley Kandrovy. Riley is an 8 year old child who lives with his parents, brother and sister, and has been a client of Elks Nurse Tanya Frable since 2016. Riley is in 2nd grade in a multiple disabilities classroom with inclusive special classes and adaptive classes for gym, music, library and art. He loves going to the YMCA with his class once a month to swim. His classroom job is to retrieve the lunch menus from his hallway, put them in his basket on his walker and deliver them to the cafeteria. Riley receives multiple therapies in school for vision, hearing, speech, and mobility. Everyone at school knows Riley and calls him Smiley Riley. Riley has L1CAM Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects various systems including vision, speech, hearing and mobility. Riley is a happy, social little boy who loves slinkies, toys that light up, move or make music, and stuffed animals - particularly giraffes. He enjoys participating in Cub Scouts and Challenger Baseball as well. Riley’s family is very excited to attend the March for Home Service in May, and have the opportunity to visit the hospitality rooms to meet you and thank you for helping Riley live his best life now.