I have recently been contacted by our friends at Penn-DOT with news that the restrictions on getting organization license plates has changed…
When our Elks plates 1st became available, some 10 years ago now, many of you wanted a “personalized” Elks plate.
I had to turn you down because you were not able to get them made that way….WELL, NOW YOU CAN GET THEM MADE THAT WAY!
An entirely different registration form has been created so now you can get your lodge number or an abbreviation of specific letters or numbers on your new Elks plate.
Here is the breakdown of what it will cost, if you wish to order one...
Plate - $128.00
Issuance Fee - $32.00
Dept. of Corrections - $6.00
Elks CP Legacy - $5.00
For a total of $171.00 made out to the PA Elks State Assoc.
The new registration form is available to download on line from our PA Elks website. STOP!!!!! And PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE FINE PRINT THAT EXPLAINS ALL THE DETAILS ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN ORDERING YOUR PERSONALIZED PLATE. The fine print gives you specific information. Once you have done this - then, complete sections A, D & E and mail this form ALONG WITH YOUR CHECK for $171.00 (made out to the PA Elks State Assoc.) Send the completed and signed application PLUS your check to:
Teresa M Black
Elks License Plate Coordinator
1854 N. Center Ave., Ste 2
Somerset, PA 15530
As a reminder, regular Elks License plates remain available at an increased cost of $43.00 per plate. Checks should again be made payable to the PA Elks State Assoc. THESE LICENSE PLATES CAN NOT BE PERSONALIZED. Complete sections A & D then mail the application and check to the same address above.
Issuance Fee - $32.00
Dept. of Corrections - $6.00
Elks CP Legacy - $5.00
For a total of $43.00 made out to the PA Elks State Assoc.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (814) 444-1954 (Elks office) or 814-279-1286 (cell) or paelksgb@gmail.com.
Thank You,
Teresa M Black
PA Elks State Assoc.
Special License Plate Coordinator